From Preston B.Nichols book: ENCOUNTER IN THE PLEIADES - AN INSIDE LOOK AT UFOs | audiobook of this 1 |audio part2 | 3
From chapter 3- ABOARD A UFO (link: who is Preston B.Nichols)
(wordmistakes may be as txt is scanned - and a comment: it seems to me, having studied many contacts to pleiadian Ets, that those described here must be from a different group and confederation than the Erra-pleiadians / Semjase. Picture above is not from the book)
"During most of the 1970s, I was working for a major defense contractor on Long Island. It was in 1974 or '75 when my boss told me that I was selected to be part of a special crew that would be examining some foreign technology located at an unspecified U.S. Air Force base. I figured we were going to look at either Russian or Chinese technology and mentioned that I would be happy to go along. I was then soberly informed that the assignment was not voluntary. I had to go.
There were six of us who boarded an airplane, which flew out of Republic Field on Long Island. We flew for a while and then landed. Looking from the air, I figured that we were going to Ohio. As soon as we hit ground and before we could possibly disembark, the pilot taxied along the runway and immediately went into a hangar. We were then shuttled from the plane into the back of a van with no windows. After being driven around for two or three hours, we had no idea where we could possibly be. Eventually, the van stopped and the back doors were opened. We emerged into some sort of underground hangar that was entirely empty. There was no wind or any other descriptive features to this facility, only doors that opened and closed. From one opening, you could see a corridor. We were taken down this corridor and sent to security where we were given a security briefing.
I have said that there were six of us in total. One was my boss but neither he nor the others remember too much of what went on. The briefing was done by Air Force personnel who were easily distinguished by their uniforms. My boss engaged in some rather lengthy dialogues with them. Finally, after being briefed on various security factors, we were taken into another hangar where we saw a disc shaped UFO.
I looked at one of the Air Force personnel and said, "Hey, that's a UFO."
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